Car cosmetics - a group of chemicals designed to extend the life of a car (motorcycle, bicycle), improve its operating conditions and maintain a beautiful appearance. Car cosmetics includes: washing, cleaning, polishing, protective, sealing, maintenance and auxiliary means.
Detergents (car shampoos) contain surfactants, e.g. alkyltrimethylammonium chloride (5-9%), and corrosion inhibitors, e.g. alkyldimethylamine oxide (up to 10%), which do not have a destructive effect on paints and varnishes, metal and rubber parts, as well as p-reticles, e.g. isopropyl alcohol (10-20%), perfumes (0.5-0.6%) and water (up to 70%).
Cleaning agents (auto-cleaners) are used to clean car parts from contaminants that cannot be removed with detergents - products formed during gasoline combustion, battery operation, metal oxidation, etc. The composition of, for example, a rust auto-cleaner includes: Н3РО4 (18.5%), SiO2 (5%), corrosion inhibitor (2.5%), methyl cellulose (2%), water (70%).